Contact Us

Barry Miller, PhD
Director of Outreach
Helmet Lab

Mark Begonia, PhD
Director of Testing
Helmet Lab

Donate to the Research

The Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings are an independent project that would greatly benefit from your donation. The ratings are independent of all manufacturers, and we need donations to continue and grow the information. Funds are used to purchase the helmets, testing equipment, and to perform the experiments. We can accept donations from individuals, companies or organizations that are interested in helping this project.

You can make a donation online here, or you can send a check made out to the "Virginia Tech Foundation" and be sure to note "Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings" in the memo section or in an accompanying letter.

Mail to:

Helmet Lab
Virginia Tech
Department of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics
343 Kelly Hall, 325 Stanger Street MC 0298
Blacksburg, VA 24061